The truth is there for the sage, the beauty for a feeling heart (Friedrich Schiller)


Through the fat-away syringe, a dissolution of the fat cell membrane takes place, which was determined by studies. Destruction of the fat cells causes them to refill and to achieve a long-term, sustainable result. The most effective combination of the two active substances phosphatidylcholine (soya lecithin) and deoxycholic acid (bile acid) has been found. Therefore, injection lipolysis can be considered as an effective tool for reducing fat deposits. Effect The drug is injected under the skin directly into the fatty tissue. The mechanism of action is based on the fact that the lecithin is a fatty acid carrier, which can bind in the normal organism fatty acids and transport into the liver. By injecting the compound directly into the fat cells, a "mobilization of the fat" in an oil-water emulsion, the fat can be transported out of the fatty tissue in this way and is transported through the body's lymphatic system. It is therefore an amplification of natural processes that also occur in the body. The method is therefore ideally suited for the elimination of small fat deposits. Suitability Basically yes. However, it should be noted that the fat-way syringe is only suitable for smaller fat pads, so for normal weight with problem areas. Duration of treatment Each treatment lasts about 15 to 20 minutes and takes place on an outpatient basis. The treatment should be repeated two to three times. After that, the fat on these parts of the body has finally disappeared and will not come back. According to new scientific findings, we wait with the 2 following treatments each 6-8 weeks, since a degradation of fat cells takes longer than previously thought. 75% of all patients report a significant reduction in their fat deposits 8 weeks after the second session. We use a special minimally painful procedure concerning the injection technique and a special drug mix recommended by the German Society for Mesotherapy. Is the treatment with the fat-away syringe painful? The patients feel a slight burning sensation and a certain pressure sensitivity in the area of the puncture sites. It can also come to small puffiness and redness, which disappear again after two days at the latest. Treatment success: 80% of patients show a significant decrease in fat deposits, and about 20% are treatment-resistant. Small and soft fat pads without larger connective tissue parts are best suited. Lipolysis is particularly suitable and generally in demand for tightening a double chin, in the lower abdomen (bikini area), upper abdominal area, the upper arms and the lateral knee at the level of the knee joints. A cautious injection of small doses into the lower eyelids can gently reduce the fat deposits in this area. Possible side effects: slight redness of the treated area, slight slight swelling lasting about 3 days, only mild pain similar to sore muscles. There is usually no need to take a painkiller.
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