For the true artist, only that face that reflects the truths of the soul is beautiful. (Mahatma Gandhi)


The Dermaroller we use can not be compared to cosmetic dermollettes. Due to the surface stunning of the skin greater penetration depths are possible, ie the needles can penetrate painlessly deeper into the skin. We use single-roller with titanium needles and a penetration depth of 1.5-2mm. Cosmetic Dermaroller penetrate only 0.5 mm, an effective wrinkle treatment is not possible. With a disposable medical disposable scooter set with small microneedles, facial and neck areas are treated after applying an anesthetic cream. The needle irritation causes a collagen stimulation of the skin, the skin becomes smoother. The effect is enhanced by the simultaneous application of a hyaluronic acid-vitamin mixture. The treatment should be repeated 3 times every 2 weeks. We only use disposable medical rollers with titanium needles of different lengths. The scooters are only used once per session, which means infection protection and maximum effectiveness for you. The needles have a different length according to their intended use. Shorter needles are used for skin smoothing and collagen stimulation, longer needles for wrinkle treatment. Among other things, the rollers are well suited for the treatment of small vertical wrinkles in the upper lip area and in the area of the lateral eye area. We are able to treat you almost painless with a special anesthetic pre-treatment. After treatment, your skin is cooled and then applied a protective skin cream. You will be informed about suitable sun protection measures and if necessary recommended suitable preparations depending on the skin type.
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